WordPress has released the 5.8.1 (Sep 9 2021) security update which fixes 3 major security vulnerabilities and 41 bugs to WordPress core code and 20 bug fixes to the Gutenberg block editor for a total of 60 bug fixes.

The previous branch 5.8.0, was released in late July, 2021.
According to WordPress This will be the last major update before version 5.9 is released. The current cycle puts major releases approximately 4 months apart.
The previous branch, 5.7 released 3 security updates. I think it’s a safe bet that this will also be the case for this release. Especially relating to security issues.
The new release fixes 3 very critical vulnerabilities in both the core code and in Gutenberg block editor.
For our clients, Sydney Web + Tech will update websites to 5.8.1 in the near future.